The 6P’s Marketing Strategies, Lifestyles Affecting to Decision Making on Purchasing Products via Application Central Online Of Customers in Nonthaburi Province


  • Sakchai Saard
  • ธนกฤต วงศ์มหาเศรษฐ์ -


6P’s Marketing , Customer Life Style AIO, Purchasing Products via Application Central Online


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the 6P’s marketing strategies affecting decision making on purchasing products via Application Central Online of customers in Nonthaburi Province. 2) to study lifestyles (AIO) affecting decision making on purchasing products via Application Central Online of customers in Nonthaburi Province. The questionnaire was a tool to collect data from 400 customers  who purchased products via Application Central Online. The descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation were used to describe the data, the inferential statistic and stepwise multiple regression were used for hypothesis testing. The respondents focused on 6 P’s in the following order, Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Personalization and Privacy. Regarding AIO, the results were found in the following order,  Interests, Activities and Opinions with statistical significance at the .05 level. All 6 factors and 3 factors together can predict decision making on purchasing products via Application Central Online of customers in Nonthaburi Province by creating the following prediction equation:

gif.latex?\widehat{y}= .348 + .255(X1) + .216(X2) + .166(X3) + .105(X4) + .084(X5) + .085(X6) ; R2= 0.309

and  gif.latex?\widehat{y}  = 1.110 + .290 (x1) + .231 (x2) + .209 (x3) ; R2 = 0.290


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