The Development A Secondary School Administration Model According To World-Class Standard School Criterion The Office Of The Basic Education Commission


  • supawadee kumnadee Office of The Basic Education Commission : sesaobkk1
  • Vipaporn Poovatanakul
  • Achara Whattananarong
  • Sakchai Nirunthavee


Model, Administration, A Secondary School, world-class standard school criterion


The research design followed a Research and Development methodology. The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the factors affecting the administration of secondary education schools to world-class standard schools criterion, 2) examine the theoretical model of factors affecting the administration of secondary education schools to world-class standard schools criterion and consistent with empirical data, and 3) evaluate appropriateness, possibility and usefulness of the model for secondary school administration to world-class standard school criterion. The samples were 179 schools that have passed the evaluation of the Office of The Basic Education Commission Quality Award: OBECQA, by Stratified sampling method. The research tool was a questionnaire. The Statistics used for data analysis were descriptive statistics: Multiple regression analysis (MRA) by Stepwise multiple regressions and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the research were: 1) Factors affecting the administration of secondary schools to the world-class standard school criteria consisted of internal factors and external factors. 2) A Secondary School Administration Model to world-class standard schools criterion was confirmed by 10 variables which predicted and explained the world-class standard schools criterion at 83.6 percent with the significance level of .01, and 3) The results of the evaluation of a Secondary School Administration Model to world-class standard school criterion evaluated by the experts were suitable and possible at the highest level, and evaluated by the school personnel was possible and useful at the highest level.


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