Focus on Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovation Capability, and Risk Taking affect to the Competitive Advantage through Online Channels in Kluaynamthai Innovation District


  • Panida Tansiri -


Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovation Capability, Risk Taking, Competitive Advantage, Innovation District


The objective of this research was to study the entrepreneurial orientation, innovation capability, and risk taking factors that affect competitive advantage through online channels in Kluaynamthai Innovation District.  Data were collected through questionnaires from 400 samples of entrepreneurs who sell products online in Kluaynamthai Innovation District of Bangkok. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. For the hypothesis testing, inferential statistics: multiple regression were used. The results of the study showed that 49.0 percent of the respondents were female , age between 31-40 years old. The 38.8 percent graduated with a bachelor's degree. The hypothesis testing results showed that the focus on entrepreneurial positively affects the competitive advantage through online channels in Kluaynamthai Innovation District, followed by risk taking, and innovation capability at the 0.05 level of significance. All three factors together could predict the competitive advantage through online channels at 23.4 percent.  The Predictive Equation could be constructed  in  Unstandardized  Score,  and  Standardized Score as followsThe Predictive Equation in Unstandardized score:

gif.latex?\widehat{y} = 1.551 + .260(X1) + .172(X2) + .191(X3); R2 = 0.234

The Predictive Equation in Standardized score:

gif.latex?\widehat{Z}  = .276(Z1) + .210(Z2) + .212(Z3)



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How to Cite

Tansiri, P. (2023). Focus on Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovation Capability, and Risk Taking affect to the Competitive Advantage through Online Channels in Kluaynamthai Innovation District. วารสารสังคมศาสตร์และมนุษยศาสตร์ สถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชนแห่งประเทศไทย, 29(1), 95–110. สืบค้น จาก


