Service Quality of Meguiar’s Car Wash in Situation of COVID 19


  • Namtan Leenawaruk
  • Orapin Piyasakulkiat
  • Vichai Thosuwanjinda


servie, quality, car wash, covid 19


The purpose of this research was to study the level of service quality, the problems and obstacles of Meguiar’s Car Wash service quality in the Covid 19 situation. The researchers used the questionnaire to collect data from the selected sample group totalling 385 sets of questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data. Findings showed that: 1) Most of the respondents were males, aged 25-40 years with a bachelor's degree. Most of them were employees and have monthly income in the range of 20,001 – 30,000 Baht. 2) The overall service quality of Meguiar’s Car Wash in Covid 19 situation was at high level as shown  in the following aspects from highest to lowest: (1) the concrete aspect of the service ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.20, S.D. = .668).  (2) the reliability of the service (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.93, S.D. = .699).  (3) the confidence in the service (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.88, S.D. = .723). (4) the responding to customers need (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.87, S.D. = .690). and (5) the knowing and understanding of the customers (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.82, S.D. = .699) and 3) Most of the problems and obstacles of service quality in using Meguiar’s Car Wash during the Covid 19 situation were due to lacking of car parking space. Some employees did not wear masks during giving service and waiting time for service was too long.


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