Learning Organization of School in the United Campus Mueang Chonburi 2, under the Office of Chonburi Primary Education Service Area 1


  • Thareerat Boonmeepipith มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี
  • Vorachai Viphoouparakhot Faculty of Education, Bangkok Thonburi University


Learning organization of educational, institutions in the United Campus Muang Chonburi 2, Under the Office of Chonburi Primary Education Service Area 1


This research aims to investigate the learning organization of schools in the United Campus Muang Chonburi 2 and compare teachers’ perceptions of learning organizations categorized by educational levels and work experience. Utilizing a survey research design, the population consisted of 301 teachers. A sample of 169 participants was selected using simple random sampling, guided by Krejcie and Morgan’s table. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was employed for data collection. Statistical analyses included mean, standard deviation, and t-tests. The findings revealed that (1) the overall learning organization of schools in the United Campus Muang Chonburi 2 was rated at a high level, and (2) there were no significant differences in perceptions of learning organization categorized by educational levels or work experience. These results highlight the significance of collaborative learning, personnel development, and systematic planning as critical elements in building a sustainable learning organization.


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How to Cite

Boonmeepipith, T., & Viphoouparakhot, V. (2024). Learning Organization of School in the United Campus Mueang Chonburi 2, under the Office of Chonburi Primary Education Service Area 1 . APHEIT JOURNAL, 30(2), 14–23. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/apheit-ss/article/view/270325