About the Journal

Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies

The objectives of the Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies are to promote research study and development in the area of government policy, business practice, and cultural development in ASEAN and its partners such as countries in the Asia Pacific, and to provide a platform for researchers and academics to exchange their views and publish the results of their studies.    It was designed specifically to help produce a clear and concise article, publish original and leading-edge academic research, and disseminate these research results to the global community.


1. Scope of contents comprises the fields of studies on government policy, business practice, and cultural development in ASEAN and its partners such as countries in the Asia Pacific.

2. Types of academic work comprise research articles and academic articles.

3. Languages of academic work: Articles written in English are accepted for publication.

Editorial Policy

1. Any manuscripts to be accepted for publication must have been reviewed and approved by at least three peer reviewers in that particular field or related fields. Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies has a double-blind peer review policy which means that neither the peer reviewer nor the author knows the identity of each other.

2. The submitted manuscript must have never been published in any other periodical, and must not be in the approval process for publication by any other periodicals. Also, the author must not plagiarize the work of other people.

3. The article, expression, illustrations, and tables that are published in the Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies are the sole responsibility of the author, and definitely not that of Panyapiwat Institute of Management.

4. The Editorial Board of the Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies reserves the right to change or revise the name(s) and unit(s) of the author(s) in all cases after the issuance of the letter.

5. The Editorial Board of the Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies reserves the right to cancel the publication that has been issued a certification of publication in the Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies.

6. The Editorial Board of the Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies reserves the right to decision-making on publishing any articles in the Journal of ASEAN PLUS+ Studies.

Publication Fee: None

Frequency of Publication

Two issues/ year

The first issue: January-June

The second issue: July-December


***Workflow of Journal https://docs.google.com/document/d/1odWoswM4KXwoWFw-Xql2IaJIP_QiNa-h/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108129182252567975081&rtpof=true&sd=true