Demand-Driven Supply Chain: The Case of Thai Fruit Export to China


  • China ASEAN Studies, PIM -


Demand-Driven Supply Chain, Supply Chain Integration, Fruit Export, Thailand, China


This paper aims to study the market and supply chain of Thai fruits in China and propose a demand-driven strategy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data from interviews with more than 100 units in field trips and focused groups covers 20 provinces in Thailand and 12 provinces in China. Qualitative data analysis is applied through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding with the NVivo software. The contributions are 1) It proposes “Supply Chain Integration” (SCI) as the key strategy to achieve a “Demand-Driven Supply Chain” (DDSC), and defines the concept of SCI in a 5i framework (information, Initiation, interconnection, inspection, and investment); 2) It estimates the market size of Thai fruits in China and portraits 21 new consumer behaviors in 3 segments; 3) It describes components, process, and mechanism of the supply chain; 4) It analyses the current issues of impacts and solutions to the problems of ZCP (Zero COVID Policy) in China; and 5) For policy implication, it sets up six strategic objectives from the SWOT matrix, supported by related strategies in supply chain components and a guide to the competitive marketing mix.


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How to Cite

China ASEAN Studies, PIM. (2022). Demand-Driven Supply Chain: The Case of Thai Fruit Export to China. Journal of ASEAN PLUS Studies, 3(1), 1–10. retrieved from