Contributions of Product Quality, Service Quality, Store Ambiance, and Promotion on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Identity in Convenience Store Coffee Chains in Bangkok


  • Akaraphun Ratasuk -


Product Quality, Service Quality, Store Ambiance, Promotion, Customer Loyalty, Brand Image, Brand Identity


Branding is an essential function enabling businesses to achieve their goals, particularly brand identity, differentiating their products and services from others, and brand loyalty, which is a key to sustainable success. This study investigated the roles of product quality, service quality, store ambiance, and promotion on customer loyalty and the mediating role of brand identity in convenience store coffee chains in Bangkok. Survey data were collected using self-administrative questionnaires from 410 customers using PLS-SEM. The results showed that all four variables, product quality, service quality, store ambiance, and promotion, promote brand identity while only three variables, product quality, service quality, and store ambiance, promote customer loyalty. In addition, brand identity promotes brand loyalty. The mediation test result indicated that brand identity only empirically mediates between promotion and customer loyalty.


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How to Cite

Ratasuk, A. (2022). Contributions of Product Quality, Service Quality, Store Ambiance, and Promotion on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Brand Identity in Convenience Store Coffee Chains in Bangkok. Journal of ASEAN PLUS Studies, 3(1), 11–28. Retrieved from