Testing an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior for Cambodian Customers’ Purchase Intention of Thailand’s Facial Skin Care Products


  • Heang Seavmey -
  • Sunida Piriyapada Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Thailand


Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioural Control, Purchase Intention, E-Word of Mouth


This study aims to understand how consumers view Thai cosmetic companies by investigating the purchase intention behaviors of Cambodian customers toward Thailand’s facial skin care products using an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (ETPB), which is important for marketers and practitioners alike in a time of globalization and greater cross-cultural connections. This study expands on the well-known Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) by adopting an ETPB framework that includes new elements such as perceived value of quality, perceived cultural values and beliefs, and perceived value of pricing. By using Google surveys, 200 people were polled quantitatively. The acquired data were reviewed utilizing the advanced license application “Smart-PLS 4.0” to provide support for each construct model. PLS-SEM was also utilized to assess the hypothesized variables’ validity and reliability. The study found that the purchase intention of Thailand’s facial skin care products by Cambodian consumers was significantly influenced by attitude,
subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived value of quality, perceived cultural values and beliefs, perceived value of price, and E-Word of Mouth. The study’s findings provide useful information for anyone working in Thailand’s facial skin care industry, both personally and professionally


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How to Cite

Seavmey, H., & Piriyapada, S. . (2023). Testing an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior for Cambodian Customers’ Purchase Intention of Thailand’s Facial Skin Care Products. Journal of ASEAN PLUS Studies, 4(2), 35–50. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/aseanplus/article/view/268495