Motivations and Segmentation of Young Wellness Tourists in Chengdu: A Case Study in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Wellness Tourism, Youth Tourists, Motivation, Market Segmentation, Satisfaction and Future IntentionAbstract
This study explores the push and pull motivations and preferences of young wellness tourists in Chengdu, focusing on their travel motivations, satisfaction levels, and future intentions. The research collected data through a questionnaire survey, with a sample size of 445 respondents. Quantitative research methods, including factor analysis, cluster analysis, and t-test were employed to analyze the data. The fndings reveal that the motivations of young wellness tourists can be categorized into four key factors: “Social, Cultural,
and Environmental Wellness”, “Personal Well-being and Fitness”, “Service and Facility-Related Wellness”, and “Escape”. Cluster analysis identifed two distinct clusters within the sample. Signifcant differences were observed between the two clusters in terms of overall satisfaction and future intentions. The results of this study provide valuable insights into the motivations and preferences of young wellness tourists in Chengdu.
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