Unraveling the Current Economic Downturn in Laos: A Study of Factors and Implications



Lao economy, Economic Growth, Economic Factors, Economic Crisis, Economic Policy


Laos was previously a country that enjoyed relatively high economic growth. However, at present, Laos is facing economic challenges. The objectives of this study are twofold: 1) to analyze the current state of Laos’ economy from 2010-2022, and 2) to identify the factors contributing to the current economic downturn in Laos spanning from 2001 to 2023. These objectives are achieved
through qualitative study methods, including literature survey and content analysis of statistical documents on economic indicators, as well as analyzing academic articles from the Scopus database and Web of Science. A total of 62 documents were considered. This article has examined the economic aspects of Laos during and post the COVID-19 period. The findings of the study reveal two key aspects. Firstly, several economic indicators of Laos today indicate that the country is undergoing an economic crunch. Secondly, scholars have
primarily focused on the influence of Lao government policies in shaping the country’s economy. Considering these findings, this article suggests that the Lao government should consider revising its current economic policies to address the ongoing economic crisis in the country. The economic downturn in Laos is primarily due to a lack of domestic industrial development policies and an overreliance on investment from a single country, namely China. To address this issue, Laos should implement policies aimed at achieving self-reliance in developing its own industries rather than depending on imports. Additionally, Laos should diversify its foreign investment strategies to avoid dependence on any one country. This approach would provide Laos with greater flexibility to adapt to economic changes.


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How to Cite

Jumlongnark, W. (2024). Unraveling the Current Economic Downturn in Laos: A Study of Factors and Implications. Journal of ASEAN PLUS Studies, 5(1), 69–83. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/aseanplus/article/view/269421