An Investigation into the Influence of Emotional Labor on Task Performance: A Case Study of Bank Tellers in Handan City


  • Xiaobo Xu Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand


Emotional Labor, Task Performance, Emotional Regulation, Self-Efcacy


This study is dedicated to a deep exploration of the relationship between
emotional labor and task performance among frontline employees in commercial banks in Handan City. Through empirical research methods, it comprehensively examines the interactions among emotional labor, emotional regulation self-efficacy, and task performance, aiming to provide theoretical guidance for the management of emotional labor and task performance in grassroots banks. Data were collected via an online survey of bank tellers in Handan City, receiving 462 questionnaires, of which 403 were valid. The data were analyzed using SPSS 21. The study set four objectives: 1) to systematically assess the direct impact of emotional labor on employee task performance; 2) to explore the mediating role of emotional regulation self-efficacy between emotional labor and task
performance; 3) to construct and validate a theoretical model of the relationships among emotional labor, emotional regulation self-efficacy, and task performance; 4) to propose specific strategies and recommendations for managing emotional labor. The findings indicate that emotional labor positively affects task performance and emphasizes the significant mediating role of emotional regulation self-efficacy. This offers a new perspective for understanding the complex relationship between emotional labor, emotional regulation self-efficacy, and task performance and provides practical management strategies for enhancing employee performance. The discoveries of this study not only enrich the theoretical foundation in the field of emotional labor but also guide the management practices in grassroots banks. By effectively managing emotional labor, these institutions can improve employee task performance, optimize customer service experience, and enhance the performance of the banking business.


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How to Cite

Xu, X. (2024). An Investigation into the Influence of Emotional Labor on Task Performance: A Case Study of Bank Tellers in Handan City. Journal of ASEAN PLUS Studies, 5(2), 30–40. Retrieved from