Impacts of Key Opinion Consumers on Customer Purchase Intention: A Study of Social Commerce Platforms in China


  • Qianjiang Zhu Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Thailand
  • Akaraphun Ratasuk Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Thailand


Key Opinion Consumers, Purchase Intention, Perceived Risk, Customer trust, Social Commerce


This study explores the pivotal role of Key Opinion Consumers (KOC) in
influencing purchase intention among social commerce customers in China, with a focus on Xiaohongshu users in Shanghai. A survey of 599 Shanghai residents revealed key findings: Firstly, KOCs directly enhance purchase intention. They serve as influential figures whose endorsements positively impact consumer decisions to make purchases on social commerce platforms. Secondly, perceived risk negatively affects both purchase intention and customer trust. Consumers’ concerns about risks associated with social commerce transactions can deter their willingness to purchase and erode their trust in the platform. Thirdly, customer
trust plays a crucial role in bolstering purchase intention. When consumers trust KOCs and the platforms they endorse, they are more inclined to purchase despite perceived risks. Additionally, the study reveals that KOCs indirectly influence purchase intention through their effects on perceived risk and customer trust. This indirect influence underscores the complex pathways through which KOCs shape consumer behavior in social commerce settings. Moreover, customer trust is a moderator, mitigating the negative impact of perceived risk on purchase intention. Higher levels of trust can alleviate consumer apprehensions, thereby fostering a more favorable environment for purchasing. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how KOCs promote purchase intention in social commerce contexts, highlighting the importance of managing perceived risks and fostering customer trust. The insights from this research offer valuable guidance for developing effective marketing strategies tailored to enhance consumer engagement and drive sales in social commerce platforms, particularly within the dynamic market landscape of China.


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How to Cite

Zhu, Q., & Ratasuk, A. . (2024). Impacts of Key Opinion Consumers on Customer Purchase Intention: A Study of Social Commerce Platforms in China. Journal of ASEAN PLUS Studies, 5(2), 55–74. retrieved from