Work-life Balance of Industrial and Service Labors

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Narintip Prasrirataesang
Dusadee Ayuwat


This article aims to examine factors influencing the work-life balance of industrial and service labours in Khon Kaen province, Thailand. The quantitative research methodology was utilized. The unit of analysis was individual level. The samples were 397 labours selected by systematic random sampling. The questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection in the workplaces. Data were collected from May to July 2018. Data were processed by binary logistic regression analysis to find Influencing factors to the work-life balance of industrial and service labours.

The results show that most industrial and service labours were female (75.3%), aged 19-38 years old, or so-called the generation Y (59.7%). Among the samples, 43.1 per cent were married and lived with a spouse. More than half had a formal education level lower than high school. As high as 74.1 percent of sample had less than 10 year experience working in industrial and service sectors and more thanhaft spent over 8 hours per day at work, that is, longer than regulatedby labour law. Regarding individual work-life balance, the resultsindicated the majority having medium and low level of balance at 76.6and 17.1 per cent, respectively. Four factors significantly influencedthe work-life balance of labours - age, working session in organization,working hours per day, and social support. All independent variablescan explain the variation of the work-life balance 29.1 percentages.(R2 = 0.291)

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How to Cite
Prasrirataesang, N., & Ayuwat, D. (2019). Work-life Balance of Industrial and Service Labors. Asia Social Issues, 12(1), 123–146. retrieved from
Research Article


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