Factors Affecting Decision to Comply with Good Agricultural Practices of Farmers in Samko District, Ang Thong Province

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Supranee Meesanga
Nirun Yingyuad
Chutathip Thawornratana


This research aimed to study; 1) the decision level to comply with good agricultural practices of farmers, and 2) the factors affecting decision to comply with good agricultural practices of farmers. The sample was 344 famers in Samko District, Ang Thong Province, selected by cluster random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using 1) descriptive statics: percentage, mean, standard deviation and 2) inferential statistics: stepwise multiple regression.

The results of this research showed that: 1) the decision level of farmers related to good agricultural practices was moderate, and 2) the factors affecting decision of farmers related to good agricultural practices were: attitude, receiving information, knowledge, production cost, and training. The 5 factors could predict the decision related to good agricultural practices with 25.50% accuracy. The prediction equation in raw score: Y = 40.307+ 1.664X12 + 0.869X11 + 2.422X10 – 5.955X6 + 3.204X4 and the prediction equation in standard score: Zy =0.269Yx12 + 0.229Yx11 + 0.211Yx10 - 0.124Yx6 + 0.112Yx4

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How to Cite
Meesanga, S. ., Yingyuad, N. ., & Thawornratana, C. . (2020). Factors Affecting Decision to Comply with Good Agricultural Practices of Farmers in Samko District, Ang Thong Province . Asia Social Issues, 13(1), 222–249. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/asi/article/view/217456
Research Article