Cherngchai Magazine: The Origin of Masculine Images Consumption of Thai Gay Men

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Narupon Duangwises


This article is a study of the content and images of male models published in Cherngchai magazine, which was the origin of Thai gay magazines in the 1980s. The author uses the concept of Linda Williams's "Sexual Utopia" and the concept of Fred Fejes's "erotic experience" as a framework for analysis to understand the role of gay magazine that society considers as an "obscene pornography". The author would like to suggest that the masculine body of a male model that is sexually seductive not only meets the needs of gay men, but it also reflects the consumer culture that contributes to broadening personal experiences, promoting sexual-self learning process, and developing sexual feelings for male homosexuals in Thai society in which homosexuality has been curbed and disapproved in public areas.

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How to Cite
Duangwises, N. . (2020). Cherngchai Magazine: The Origin of Masculine Images Consumption of Thai Gay Men. Asia Social Issues, 13(1), 169–203. Retrieved from
Research Article


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