Cyber Public Relations Strategies by the South Tangerang Government in Developing Its Image

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Windhi Tia Saputra
Fitria Ayuningtyas
Della Galuh Agustina


Background: One of the cities that has been developing quite rapidly from the expansion of regions in Indonesia is South Tangerang.

Objectives: This research aimed: 1) to identify what cyber public relations strategies were used by the Public Relations Officer of the South Tangerang government to gain its image, 2) to determine how the cyber public relations strategies were implemented, and 3) to assess whether the strategies taken by the government were able to improve the image of South Tangerang.

Method: This was a qualitative approach by using the new media theory and political communication theory. Four informants for this research were chosen by purposive sampling. Data was collected by conducting deep and direct interviews with the Head of Public Relations, a social media account manager from the South Tangerang government, and active followers of the Twitter account @humastangsel.

Results: This research indicated that the cyber public relations strategies implemented by the South Tangerang government were used for promoting publications and community involvement. The efforts of the cyber public relations in improving the image of the city showed that they have a very important role in cooperating with various OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah/Organization Local Device) -related organizations and in promoting positive and good relations with the public through publications.

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How to Cite
Saputra , W. T., Ayuningtyas, F., & Agustina, D. G. (2021). Cyber Public Relations Strategies by the South Tangerang Government in Developing Its Image. Asia Social Issues, 14(1), Article 241411 (11 pages). Retrieved from
Research Article


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