Self-Efficacy of Chinese Language Teachers in a Private Tutoring Institution

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Yvonne Wei


This study aimed to examine Chinese language teachers’ self-efficacy and cultural dimension levels in a private tutoring educational institution in Bangkok, Thailand. A concurrent mixed-method design was applied in the study by quantitative results from 20 Chinese language teachers and qualitative interview findings of 14 participants (four teachers, six students, and four parents). The 9-point Likert scale instrument used in the study was based on Tschannen-Moran et al. (2001) teachers’ self-efficacy scale (TSES) and additional questions about cultural dimension derived from GLOBE research’s theory on culture and leadership. The study provided important insights into foreign language teachers’ self-efficacy when teaching in Thailand. More importantly, it addressed the issues faced by Chinese private tutoring institutions in Thailand and increased awareness for school leaders to improve their school’s management and interaction with parents. The questionnaire and interview findings indicated that Chinese language teachers in the selected institution had high self-efficacy and cultural dimension levels. However, interviews with the parents showed additional concerns for school leaders.

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How to Cite
Wei, Y. (2022). Self-Efficacy of Chinese Language Teachers in a Private Tutoring Institution. Asia Social Issues, 15(4), 251268.
Research Article


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