Guidelines for Effectively Studying the Behavior of Leaders in the Tourism Sector Using Interactionism Model from a Strategic Management Perspective

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Nuttaprachya Nantavisit
Surasak Wongsa


The interactionism model is strongly connected to the theory of leadership effectiveness as a secondary concept of psycho-behavioral science that is extensively used today to support leaders in various professions, including tourism management, implying that strategic leadership qualities are a behavior capable of adapting to change and guiding the organization to reach its highest goals. Hence, this article explains the theoretical relationship between the interactionism model, leadership effectiveness theory, and McKinsey 7s framework concepts in tourism management and proposes an integrated research framework as a guideline for Thai scholars to investigate leadership behavior in the future under the conditions of tourism management. This study suggests combining the two ideas using a structural model analysis (SEM) framework due to its findings. The situational leadership effectiveness is categorized as part of the interactionism model, which focuses on two dimensions of leadership behavior: LPC psychological element and situational governance. It has been augmented by leaders’ circumstances or the working environment because of the study's context-specific situations, namely, tourist management. Consequently, a connection between leadership and strategic management was discovered.

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How to Cite
Nantavisit, N. ., & Wongsa, S. . (2021). Guidelines for Effectively Studying the Behavior of Leaders in the Tourism Sector Using Interactionism Model from a Strategic Management Perspective. Asia Social Issues, 15(2), 251502.
Research Article
Author Biography

Nuttaprachya Nantavisit, School of Management, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80160, Thailand

Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management)

Master of Arts, Integrated Tourism and Hospitality Management Program

Bachelor of Economics (BA), Major in Economics Theory and Research (Minor in Laws)


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