The Development of a Self-leadership Model for Students’ Creativity at Universities in Yunnan Province, China

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Yi Dan
Nathara Mhunpiew


In a knowledge-based economy, creativity is important for maintaining a country’s competitiveness. As the main educational institution that provides fresh blood to the nation’s talent pool, universities need to find appropriate ways to nurture creative minds to enhance the nation’s competitiveness. The purpose of this study was to develop a self-leadership model to increase students’ creativity at universities in Yunnan Province, China. The research methodologies used in this study were literature synthesis, descriptive statistics, regression analysis, focus group discussion, and paired-samples t test. Through such a combination of qualitative and quantitative research, this model was developed with students’ self-leadership skills as the key, with activities for creativity, supervisor leadership and organizational structure as supporting factors for creativity development. After a four-week intervention, the model was proven to be effective in enhancing students’ creativity. The researcher recommends that university administrators in Yunnan Province, China, consider using this model as a means of increasing students’ creativity.

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How to Cite
Dan, Y., & Mhunpiew, N. . (2021). The Development of a Self-leadership Model for Students’ Creativity at Universities in Yunnan Province, China. Asia Social Issues, 15(3), 251854.
Research Article


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