Composite Analysis of Mobile Banking Usage: Dimension and Construct Effect
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This study explores the dimension and construct effect of mobile banking usage on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research done in previous studies only considered a dimensional or constructive effect. But the construct model cannot be expressed as a dimensional effect. Furthermore, the dimension connection cannot be defined as a construct effect. As a result, both levels should be subjected to hypothesis testing. Mobile banking usage model is measured using a composite model and a formative-formative type for second-order constructs, while customer satisfaction and loyalty are measured using a consistent partial least squares method (PLSc). The data were obtained from 400 students at Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University. The consequence of the dimensional effect shows that the influence of promotions, perceived usefulness, and perceived security has a substantial impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. For the construct effect, the 7Ps organize the mobile banking usage model well, which significantly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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