Building Ear and Hearing Health Awareness in the Community through Instagram @ruangmendengar

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Cahya Assyura
Fitria Ayuningtyas
Rizkiya Ayu Maulida


Background: The development of technology and social media is currently beneficial for society. Instagram has become a popular social media platform among the general public due to its ease of allowing people to share information widely and quickly.

Objective: The lack of information about ear and hearing health in Indonesia makes Ruang Mendengar the first digital platform in Indonesia that focuses on discussing ear and hearing health. Currently, Instagram share information about ear and hearing health to build awareness among Indonesian people, Ruang Mendengar carries out through their Instagram account, namely @ruangmendengar. This research focuses on how Instagram social media from Ruang Mendengar can be used to build public awareness of ear and hearing health and what motives are behind Ruang Mendengar providing information about ear and hearing health, especially for the Indonesian people towards ear and hearing health.

Method: This research employed a qualitative approach with a case study method. In-depth interviews and documentation were used for data collection.

Result: The findings indicated that Ruang Mendengar’s communication strategy was strong and effective in building awareness about ear and hearing health.

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How to Cite
Assyura, C., Ayuningtyas, F., & Maulida, R. A. (2022). Building Ear and Hearing Health Awareness in the Community through Instagram @ruangmendengar. Asia Social Issues, 15(4), 255073.
Research Article


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