Reviewing ADANCO 2.3.1 for a Modern Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model to be Used in Online Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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The current study employed a composite model to examine the factors affecting student satisfaction with online education (OE) and the relationship between it and student life quality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the research reviewed the ADANCO 2.3.1 software for composite analysis. A sample of 257 management science students from anonymous Rajabhat University was used for this study. The findings indicate that only the factors of output and setup had a significant relationship with student satisfaction concerning OE. The relationship between student satisfaction with OE and the quality of student life was found to be significant. The ADANCO was extremely useful for doing confirmatory composite analysis (CCA) in modern partial least squares structural equation models (PLS-SEM). It was also a helpful tool for transforming latent and observable variables into emergent ones for CCA research. This study successfully resolved the standard bias method resulting in a better outcome.
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