A Study of Entrepreneurs’ Confidence in Geographical Indications for Value Adding of Gems and Jewelry Products in Chanthaburi Province

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Sayomphoo Hanpakdeesakul
Nantharat Bunnag


Geographical Indications (GI) give goods made from local resources more legitimacy and create value additions for various products. Gems and Jewelry are products that have contributed to Chanthaburi’s long-standing renown but have not yet been recognized for GI. The principles are to 1) investigate the entrepreneurial viewpoints regarding the belief that GI will increase the value of its products, 2) contrast the views of those products toward the use of GI to boost value and inspire confidence in customers, 3) examine the link between variables influencing the value added of gems and jewelry products with GI. In-depth interviews were used as the research methodology. Data was gathered from 14 owners of Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in gems and jewelry businesses who were required to be members of the Chanthaburi Gem and Jewelry Traders Association (CGA). The finding revealed that entrepreneurs support and encourage the registration of GI for gems and jewelry products to increase the company’s reliability, boost product market value, and foster customer trust. Gems and jewelry entrepreneurs in Chanthaburi trust GI to add value; therefore, GI is a tool that may be utilized to enhance the worth of gems and jewelry products. Plus, it increases consumers’ trust in the product’s origin and quality.

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Hanpakdeesakul, S., & Bunnag, N. . (2023). A Study of Entrepreneurs’ Confidence in Geographical Indications for Value Adding of Gems and Jewelry Products in Chanthaburi Province. Asia Social Issues, 16(6), e257934. https://doi.org/10.48048/asi.2024.257934
Research Article


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