School Principals’ Perceptions on the Conducive Learning Environment and Their Current Practices: An Exploratory Study at Trashigang District, Bhutan

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Kesang Wangchuk
Tashi Dendup


This study aimed to explore principals’ perceptions and current practices in schools to build conducive learning environment. The study employed qualitative research method guided by the constructivist paradigm. The study was conducted in Trashigang District, Bhutan, with 22 principals from February 2022 to July 2022. This study was purely exploratory, and the findings were broadly categorized into six themes: perceptions of a conducive learning environment, current practices in creating a conducive learning environment, managing students’ behavior, organizing the physical ambiance, and managing academic activities. Further, this study presents issues and challenges faced by school leaders. The study’s findings showed that school principals have positive perceptions of a conducive learning environment. The school principals in the study had given some methods to tackle academic, behavioral, and social issues. The study findings will help newly recruited principals create a conducive learning environment. Further, the study’s finding recommends Ministry of Education (MoE) and relevant stakeholders provide professional development to school leaders on behavioral management and enhancement of students’ academic performance. Moreover, the study recommends MoE to see if financial autonomy can be provided to the school. However, study’s finding is from the schools of one District and cannot be generalized. Therefore, future researchers can find the attributes of a conducive learning environment with a more excellent sample to validate the findings.

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How to Cite
Wangchuk, K., & Dendup, T. . (2023). School Principals’ Perceptions on the Conducive Learning Environment and Their Current Practices: An Exploratory Study at Trashigang District, Bhutan. Asia Social Issues, 16(5), e258491.
Research Article


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