The Influential Roles of Past Experience, Affective Attitude, and Destination Culture on Thai Tourists’ Likelihoods of Revisitation and Recommendation

Main Article Content

Natchiya Mofu
Kattareeya Prompreing
Wisuwat Wannamakok


Drawing upon tourism contribution, tourists’ visitations are the backbone of the country’s economic growth and development. This study thus aims to test a structural model for examining the relationship between tourists’ affection, cultural perceptions, their revisit, and recommendation intentions through the mediating role of past travel experience. To test our hypotheses, 547 questionnaires from Thai tourists were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that all hypotheses are substantially confirmed and statistically significant except for the affective attitude aspect which is not found to influence tourists’ revisit and recommendation intentions. Notwithstanding, we found that the tourist experience catalyzes revisit and recommendation intentions. However, tourists’ affection perception only nurtures their travel experience, but not for revisitation and recommendation. As such, this study sheds a new laser light on how tourists’ perceptions can influence future economic growth. The recommendations and suggestions on these findings are explained and can be an avenue for future research. Implications for entrepreneurs, policymakers, and the Asian business context are also presented.

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How to Cite
Mofu, N., Prompreing, K., & Wannamakok, W. (2023). The Influential Roles of Past Experience, Affective Attitude, and Destination Culture on Thai Tourists’ Likelihoods of Revisitation and Recommendation . Asia Social Issues, 17(1), e259389.
Research Article
Author Biography

Wisuwat Wannamakok, Faculty of Agro-industry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand

Wisuwat Wannamakok is an MBA lecturer. He received his Ph.D. in Business
and Management from the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
in 2021. He studied at the University of Tartu, Estonia as a Ph.D. visiting scholar
in 2019 and also studied at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, France as Erasmus
Mundus Master’s degree holder in 2016-2017. His education and experience
in a multicultural setting raised his interest in entrepreneurial trajectories in
a global environment. His research interests include entrepreneurship, social
innovation, and business.


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