Perceived Organization Supports and Organization Identification on Work Outcomes of Chinese Teachers in Thailand
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More and more Chinese instructors come to Thailand to teach, which promotes Chinese education in Thailand. However, problems, like a lack of teaching experience, job turnover, low performance, satisfaction, etc. also come out. Based on this situation this study investigates the effect of perceived support on their work outcomes. This paper analyzes the situation of Chinese teachers in Thai schools through a questionnaire. Further, it explores the current situation and problems of Chinese teachers in Thailand combined with a literature research method. The results show that perceived organizational support has a significant positive impact on work outcomes. In contrast, it has a significant positive impact on job performance but no significant impact on job satisfaction. The influence of perceived supervisor support on work outcomes is also significant. Whether for Chinese teachers’ job performance or job satisfaction, it has a significant positive impact. Organizational-based self-esteem moderates the effect of perceived organizational support on work outcomes. However, it did not moderate the impact of perceived colleague support on job satisfaction. From the perspective of perceived organization support, we construct the conceptual model of perceived organization support, coworker support, superior support and job satisfaction and performance to reveal the impact mechanism of perceived organization support on job satisfaction, and performance. We also test the moderating effect of organizational-based self-esteem on the influence of independent variables on dependent variables.
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