Revisiting the Causes and Effects of Recurrent Floods in the Haor Region of Sunamganj, Bangladesh: Evidence from the 2022 Flash Flood

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Mohammad Shakil Bhuiyan
Showrav Paul
Md. Abdussabur


Bangladesh, particularly the Haor region, is well-known for its susceptibility to natural disasters. Haor locals suffer more from floods than other regional individuals. Sunamganj district, predominantly a Haor region adjacent to India’s Meghalaya, was devastated by the 2022 flood. This unprecedented and catastrophic flood has broken nearly all previous flash flood records. The prime objective of this study is to explore the underlying factors and effects of recurrent flash floods in the Haor region, with a specific focus on Sunamganj, by examining the 2022 flash flood. The study employed a descriptive qualitative research approach to meet its objectives. Data was collected from 30 target individuals from diverse stakeholders based on specific inclusion criteria. An open-ended, non-structured questionnaire is used to conduct interviews with selected respondents. Riverbed siltation, heavy rainfalls, excessive water flow from upstream, and mismanagement of River and Haor, among others, are revealed as significant causes of the 2022 flash flood. On the other hand, the consequences of the flood include loss of life and property, damage to infrastructure, and adverse effects on education and social life. The study concluded by making some proposals that policymakers could consider while developing strategies to reduce losses and safeguard the Haor region from future flash floods.

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How to Cite
Bhuiyan, M. S., Paul, S. ., & Abdussabur, M. (2024). Revisiting the Causes and Effects of Recurrent Floods in the Haor Region of Sunamganj, Bangladesh: Evidence from the 2022 Flash Flood. Asia Social Issues, 17(5), e264552.
Research Article


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