Causal Factors to a Member of Saving Cooperative Commitment

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Phimphorn Sowawattanakul
Burin Sukphisal


This study uses the stractural equation model to explain causal factors and other factors related to commitment as a member of Thai saving cooperatives. The sample information was collected from 416 members of Thai saving cooperatives. There were 367 members’ data remaining to obtain the appropriate model.  In this sample group, most members are females between 50 and 59 years old, and 33.8% are at the preliminary management level such as the department head. Over 57% have been cooperative members for over 20 years and 28.9% of the respondents came from corporate saving cooperatives. The model of the relationship between causal factors and saving cooperative members’ commitment shows adequate results. Trust, satisfaction, value co-creation, and social determinants impact the participation of members. The more members participate in cooperatives, the more members’ commitment tends to increase. However, economic determinants or the demand for financial compensation are not related to collaborations of members in Thai saving cooperatives. Hence, building cooperative credibility, enhancing member satisfaction, and creating a sense of community can increase member participation and instill pride in being a cooperative member.

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How to Cite
Sowawattanakul, P., & Sukphisal, B. (2024). Causal Factors to a Member of Saving Cooperative Commitment . Asia Social Issues, 17(5), e266486.
Research Article


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