The Ethical Dilemma of Academic Integrity and Job Security: A Quantitative Study on Moral Obligations in Competitive Academic Environments in Thailand
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In a highly competitive environment, many faculty members must balance the competing moral demands of academic integrity and job security, which poses an ethical issue in academic life. This survey-based quantitative study tried to delve into this complex ethical dilemma by examining the relationship between academic integrity and job security among academicians in competitive educational environments and the role of moral obligations in establishing academic integrity in two selected top universities in Thailand with two hundred participants. A reflective measuring approach was used to assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaire’s latent questions, which included 1) academic integrity, 2) job security, 3) moral disengagement, and 4) self-determination. The structural model by SEM-PLS examined the relationships between these elements and utilized path analysis to evaluate the hypotheses, intending to advance our understanding of making moral choices in challenging academic contexts. The findings indicated that academic integrity is significantly influenced by self-determination and work stability, although higher job security resulted in moral disengagement. It was concluded that maintaining “good” standards of academic behavior requires ethical awareness and accountability.
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