Evidence-Based Model Curricula for Master’s Degrees in Teacher and Principal Education Program in Cambodia
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This paper aims to study the challenges and way forward of evidence-based model curricula for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Cambodia’s teacher and principal education programs. There are three objectives: 1) to examine critical components to build evidence-based model curricula for master’s degrees in teachers and principal education programs, 2) to identify the problems in implementing these curricula, and 3) to explore how to implement these curricula. Document-based and content analysis has been employed for data and information from research articles, reports, and books related to curriculum, design, and other relevant documents. This article’s findings articulated three core components to building evidence-based model curricula: adaptive learning systems, practical-based learning, and need and problem-based learning. Moreover, the conventional mindsets of Cambodian teachers, insufficient human resources and scientific research, and lack of awareness and understanding among educators are challenges in carrying out evidence-based model curricula for master’s degrees in teachers and principal education programs in Cambodia. Lastly, there are possible ways to solve those challenges, like producing more competent human resources, promoting more scientific research activities, and raising awareness of Cambodian teachers and educators to understand the importance of implementing those curricula and coping with the problem of skill mismatch in Cambodia.
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