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กิตติพันธ์ อุดมเศรษฐ์ (Kittipun Udomseth)
ปราวีณยา สุวรรณณัฐโชติ (Praweenya Suwannatthachote)
อรจรีย์ ณ ตะกั่วทุ่ง (Onjaree Na Takuatoong)


The purposes of this research and development were to develop, use, and validate a flipped learning instructional design model based on TPACK framework and elaboration theory for secondary school teachers under Office of the Private Education Commission (OPEC). Data were collected using a mixed-method research and divided into 4 phases as follows: 1) study opinions of experts and secondary school teachers; 2) create a model; 3) use a model by conducting an experiment study; and 4) validate the model. The research results indicated that: A Flipped Learning Instructional Design (FLID) model based on TPACK framework and elaboration theory for secondary school teachers consisted of eight components and twelve steps. The experimental group agreed that FLID model was appropriate and 315 students learned with the flipped learning were satisfied with high level. The FLID model validation results by experts was appropriate at an excellent level.

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(Kittipun Udomseth) ก. อ., (Praweenya Suwannatthachote) ป. ส., & (Onjaree Na Takuatoong) อ. ณ. ต. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF A FLIPPED LEARNING INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN MODEL BASED ON TPACK FRAMEWORK AND ELABORATION THEORY FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS UNDER OFFICE OF THE PRIVATE EDUCATION COMMISSION. Journal of Education and Innovation, 19(4), 24–38. retrieved from
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