DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN 5 - 6 YEARS AT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL IN BANGKOK พัฒนาการเด็กอายุ 5 – 6 ปี ในโรงเรียนทางเลือกแห่งหนึ่งในกรุงเทพมหานคร

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Nuengruethai Rounsathit
Sawitri Tayansin
Atiwat Jiawiwatkul


This research focused on studying the development in terms of personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language, and gross motor among children age 5-6 years in alternative school. This cross sectional survey drew on secondary data from Denver II, as well as the survey of basic information obtained from 66 children students in Kindergarten 3 who studied at an alternative school in Bangkok, which has a teaching and learning style focusses on the learning by doing. Analyze data by descriptive statistic such as the percentage and the mean. Research findings revealed that most of the children had test results compatible with normal development of 89.4% with only 3% delayed in language skill, gross motor skill, and 4.5% delayed in fine motor-adaptive. It is suggested that Kindergarten schools should support the children who have delayed development by employing various techniques appropriate to them, and continuous follow-up must be conducted.

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How to Cite
Rounsathit, N. ., Tayansin, S. ., & Jiawiwatkul, A. . (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN 5 - 6 YEARS AT ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL IN BANGKOK: พัฒนาการเด็กอายุ 5 – 6 ปี ในโรงเรียนทางเลือกแห่งหนึ่งในกรุงเทพมหานคร. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(1), 347–356. retrieved from
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