USE OF STORYTELLING TO PROMOTE COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CHILDREN WHO USE THAI AS A SECOND LANGUAGE การใช้นิทานเพื่อส่งเสริมทักษะการสื่อสารของเด็กปฐมวัยที่ใช้ภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาที่สอง

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Prapapron Komvong
Rajchukarn Tongthaworn


Research objectives were 1) to design experience learning plans by using storytelling to promote communication skills of children who use Thai as a second language and 2) to study usage result of experience learning plans by using storytelling to promote communication skills of children who use Thai as a second language. The target group used in this study was thirteen kindergarten 2 students at Ban Huaysing School, Tambon Mae Yuam, Mae Sariang District, Mae Hongson Province. The instrument used in this study were 1) The lesson plans by using storytelling to promote communication skills of children who use Thai as a second language, which each unit consisted of 5 plans and 2) the multiple choices with three pictorial choices communicating skills assessment that divided into two parts, which were 20 items of listening skills assessment form and 20 items of speaking skills assessment form. The data was analyzed by computing mean ( ) score of communicating skills assessment and effectiveness index (E.I.) scores then compared with the set criteria of 0.50. The result found that:
1. There were six learning units of experience learning plans by using storytelling to promote communication skills of children who use Thai as a second language, which each unit consisted of 5 plans with the total of 30 learning plans and each plan consumed 40 minutes learning time; Unit 1: My Village. There were four stories used in this unit. Unit 2: My Happy Family. There were five stories used in Unit 3: Rice. There were four stories used in Unit 4: Vegetable. There were four stories used in Unit 5: Banana, the researcher used four stories to implement it this unit. There were three stories used for Unit 6: Transportation. It appeared that all learning plans were good quality and were able to use in promoting communication skills of early childhood children who use Thai as a second language.
2. The result of using experience learning plans by using storytelling to promote communication skills of children who use Thai as a second language found that communication skill scores after used the plans were higher than before using the plans with mean score of Effectiveness Index (E.I) at 0.54 or at 54.00 % which was higher than set criteria of 0.50. It was able to summarize that communication of children, who used Thai as a second language, in term of listening and speaking skills were increasingly developed.

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How to Cite
Komvong, P. ., & Tongthaworn, R. . (2018). USE OF STORYTELLING TO PROMOTE COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CHILDREN WHO USE THAI AS A SECOND LANGUAGE: การใช้นิทานเพื่อส่งเสริมทักษะการสื่อสารของเด็กปฐมวัยที่ใช้ภาษาไทยเป็นภาษาที่สอง. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(1), 214–222. retrieved from
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