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Thitiphong Ketamon
Hakim Sudinpreda
Anchalee Watcharajinda
Nutsana Na Phayap
Athaporn Chanchayanon


This survey study examined the junior high school students’ attitudes towards their English learning, after participating the English Language Camp, at Princess Ubolratana Rajakanya's College Phatthalung. The samples were 75 students from grade 10 to 12 selected by Krejcie & Morgan’s sampling formula with the confidence of 99 percent and 1 percent of margin of error. The quantitative data were collected through a five-point Likert Scale questionnaire, containing 10 items and with the reliability at α ≥ 0.837, while the section of open opinions was also used to gather the qualitative data. To analyze the obtained data, the SPSS statistical software was used and mainly focused on the descriptive statistics. The study revealed that the level of students’ attitudes towards their English learning was overall high at 4.2, with the standard deviation error at .04. The female students reflected a slightly higher mean at 4.2 than male students at 4.1, and the younger students were almost commensurate the mean at 4.3 with the older ones at 4.2. For the content analysis, students offered positive opinions; for example, the English Camp emboldened them to learn English faster and perceive the importance of English.

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How to Cite
Ketamon, T., Sudinpreda, H., Watcharajinda, A., Na Phayap, N., & Chanchayanon, A. (2018). STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS ENGLISH LEARNING THROUGH ENGLISH CAMP AT PRINCESS UBOLRATANA RAJAKANYA’S COLLEGE PHATTHALUNG. Journal of Education and Innovation, 22(2), 19–30. retrieved from
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