THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL BASE ON CARL ORFF’S CONCEPT TO ENHANCE CREATIVE MUSIC ABILITY FOR WESTERN MUSIC STUDENTS การพัฒนารูปแบบการเรียนการสอนตามแนวคิดของคาร์ล ออร์ฟ เพื่อส่งเสริมความสามารถในการบรรเลงเพลงเชิงสร้างสรรค์ สำหรับนิสิตดุริยางคศาสตร์สากล

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Piriyaporn Lekatarakorn
Monasit Sittisomboon


The purpose of this research was to develop the instructional model base on Carl Orff’s concept to enhance creative music ability for western music students. The specific purposes were 1) To study basic information for develop the instructional model. 2) To construct the instructional model and studied quality of the instructional model. 3) To trial the instructional model. 4) To evaluate satisfaction with the teaching and learning management according to the instructional model. The results of research were as follows:
1. The results of the study of basic information about instructional model found that the important elements in instructional according to Carl Orff's concepts are structures of instructional according to the teaching style according to Carl Orff's concept. Approach for instructional that enhance creative music ability. And principles and approach for instructional management measurement and evaluation according to the teaching style according to Carl Orff's concept.
2. The result of instructional model found the instructional model that has developed is composed of principles, aim, teaching content, teaching process and measurement and evaluation. The results of the quality examination of instructional model by experts found the instructional model that has been developed has the highest level of quality. And the pilot experiment results to study the feasibility found that the activities according to the instructional process of the model were sequential. Can continue to organize teaching and learning activities continuously.
3. The results of the experiment using the instructional model found students have the ability to play creative music after studying higher than before learning with an average score with statistical significance at .05 level.
4. The satisfaction of instructional management was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Lekatarakorn, P. ., & Sittisomboon, M. . (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL BASE ON CARL ORFF’S CONCEPT TO ENHANCE CREATIVE MUSIC ABILITY FOR WESTERN MUSIC STUDENTS: การพัฒนารูปแบบการเรียนการสอนตามแนวคิดของคาร์ล ออร์ฟ เพื่อส่งเสริมความสามารถในการบรรเลงเพลงเชิงสร้างสรรค์ สำหรับนิสิตดุริยางคศาสตร์สากล . Journal of Education and Innovation, 22(4), 139–148. retrieved from
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