THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL TO ENHANCE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR STUDENT TEACHERS AT RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY การพัฒนารูปแบบการเรียนการสอนเพื่อเสริมสร้างความสามารถในการแก้ปัญหาอย่างสร้างสรรค์ สำหรับนักศึกษาครู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎ

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Panisara Chanpala
Monsit Sitthisomboon


The purpose of this research was to develop the Instructional model to enhance creative problem solving for student teachers at Rajabhat University. The specific purposes of this research were 1) to study basic information for the development of the instructional model, 2) to construct the instructional model and studied its quality, 3) to compare the enhance creative problem solving for student teachers between before and after learning with instructional model, and 4) to evaluate satisfaction of students teacher towards the instructional model. The research procedure comprised of 4 steps of research and development processes; 1) the formation about teaching and learning management style that promotes thinking skills, guidelines for teaching and learning that promote creative problem solving skills, 2) the teaching model and materials were developed and checked by 5 experts and then a pilot study was conducted with 1 group, 3) to compare the enhance creative problem solving for teachers student between before and after learning with instructional model. By taking it to try out with 30 students of the Faculty of Education, Lampang Rajabhat University, and 4) Evaluating satisfaction of students teacher towards the instructional model.

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How to Cite
Chanpala, P. ., & Sitthisomboon, M. . (2019). THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL TO ENHANCE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR STUDENT TEACHERS AT RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY: การพัฒนารูปแบบการเรียนการสอนเพื่อเสริมสร้างความสามารถในการแก้ปัญหาอย่างสร้างสรรค์ สำหรับนักศึกษาครู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎ. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(1), 204–213. retrieved from
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