AN ADMINISTRATIONAL MODEL FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS HAVING URBAN REFUGEE AND ASYLUM SEEKER STUDENTS รูปแบบการบริหารสถานศึกษาของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาระดับประถมศึกษาที่มีนักเรียนผู้ลี้ภัยและผู้ขอลี้ภัยในเขตเมือง

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Parama Boonkueng
Suwit Panujaree


This research was conducted by mixed methods research and aimed to develop an administrational model for school administrators in primary schools having urban refugee and asylum seeker students. The methodology included three steps: 1) Studying the state of school administration of administrators in primary schools having urban refugee and asylum seeker students through related research and documents along with interviewing 5 experts, 2) Developing an administrational model for school administrators in primary schools having urban refugee and asylum seeker students by using the information from Step 1 to create questionnaire and collected the data from 486 samples in 96 schools consisting of school directors/deputy directors, chief of school subdivision and heads of the school department and then analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and 3) Evaluating and Certifying an administrational model for school administrators in primary schools having urban refugee and asylum seeker students though by 17 experts. The statistics utilized in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and content analysis and analytic inductive were also conducted. The results of research were found that:
1. An administrational model for school administrators in primary schools having urban refugee and asylum seeker students consists of 3 main components: inputs, process and output. The state of school administration in learning contents and learning activities is obtained from Ministry of Education which is irrelevant to race, belief, culture, language, and way of life of students.
2. An administrational model for school administrators in primary schools having urban refugee and asylum seeker students consists of 3 main components: 1) Input, consisting of 1.1) Educational Personnel and students’ parents, 1.2) General administration, 1.3) Budgeting administration, 1.4) Academic administration, 1.5) Mission and State Policy, 1.6) Human Resources administration, and 1.7) School Culture and Environment. 2) Process, consisting of 2.1) Multicultural educational administration, 2.2) High Expectation Teaching, 2.3) Qualified curriculums and Learning, 2.4) Reinforcement and Motivation, 2.5) Educational administration based upon 4 sublime states of mind, and 2.6) Command and Control. 3) Output, consisting of 3.1) Learning achievement, 3.2) Efficiency of School Administration, and 3.3) Desirable Characteristics and Performance of students.
3. The developed system model was evaluated and approved in accuracy, propriety, feasibility, and utility by the experts at the highest average standard level.

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How to Cite
Boonkueng, P. ., & Panujaree, S. . (2019). AN ADMINISTRATIONAL MODEL FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS HAVING URBAN REFUGEE AND ASYLUM SEEKER STUDENTS: รูปแบบการบริหารสถานศึกษาของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาระดับประถมศึกษาที่มีนักเรียนผู้ลี้ภัยและผู้ขอลี้ภัยในเขตเมือง. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(4), 253–267. retrieved from
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