EFFECTS OF RESEARCH-BASED LEARNING IN ELECTRICITY AND ENERGY COURSE ON SCIENCE PROCESS OF SCIENCE STUDENT TEACHERS ผลการจัดการเรียนรู้โดยใช้วิจัยเป็นฐานในรายวิชาไฟฟ้าและพลังงาน ที่มีต่อกระบวนการทางวิทยาศาสตร์ของนักศึกษาครูวิทยาศาสตร์
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This research aim to design a research-based learning activities in electricity and energy courses for science student teachers and to study the effects of using research-based learning activities on science processes of science student teachers. Mixed method research design was carried out. Research sample is the 44 undergraduate science student teacher from Faculty of Education, selected by cluster sampling. The finding is that research-based learning activities which was designed and constructed consist of 6 steps: 1) survey and observation, 2) questioning/problem definition, 3) constructing hypotheses and experimental design, 4) testing of hypothesis, 5) data analysis and conclusion, and 6) research presentation. This instructional process was allowed for 12 weeks. The designed activity was approved suitability at very good quality level ( = 4.74, S.D. = 0.36). The result of intervention revealed that students were able to learn through science processes at good to very good quality (
= 2.9 – 3.3). The qualitative analysis indicated that the students were enhanced to practice science process skills in many aspects, especially observation skills, constructing hypothesis skills, organizing data and communicating skill, experimental skill, and interpreting data and conclusion skills. In addition, students also reflected the positive opinions on this research-based learning activities.
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