THE STUDY OF GUIDELINE TO PROMOTE SCHOOL’S GUIDANCE OPERATION IN 21ST CENTURY การศึกษาแนวทางส่งเสริมการดำเนินงานแนะแนวของสถานศึกษาในศตวรรษที่ 21

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Nuanchavee Presertsuk
Urapree Kerdnaimongkol
Wananya Kaewkaewpan


The research objectives were 1) analyzing factors and conditions support guidance operation of schools in 21st century and 2) proposing the approaches to promote guidance operation of schools in 21st century. The sample groups were guidance committee in 2 schools, 2 school administrators, 4 best guidance teachers, 11 guidance teachers and 3 guidance experts that selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were case study guideline, interview form and critical meeting guideline. Data were collected by interviewing and analyzed by content analysis. The research findings were:
1. Factors and conditions supporting the guidance operation of schools in the 21st century were as follows: 1) guidance teachers educated in guidance, had strong guidance team, able to collaborate and coordinate well with others, lifelong learning for self and job development, 2) school administrators had knowledge and understanding and emphasized in guidance services, promoted guidance teachers in self development and guidance work, 3) other related personal cooperated and participated in guidance activities, and 4) related agencies participated in guidance network, promoted the education or development of guidance teachers to be knowledgeable and capable in accordance with social situation, provided and developed media and information used in guidance services.
2. The approaches to promote guidance operation of schools in 21st century were as follows: 1) approaches for guidance teachers: guidance teachers must be good at work, lifelong learning, active working and had a working network, 2) approaches for school administrators: school administrators must be creators, promoter, coordinators, inspectors and developers, 3) approaches for related personals or others involved: personals in schools emphasized, cooperated and participated in guidance activities, as well as personals outside schools helped and took care, prevented and improved problems, promoted the students development by providing information and supporting activities, and 4) approaches for related agencies: regulated government agencies should had clear action plans, monitoring and evaluation guidance services; allocated sufficient guidance teachers; created working networks; produced and developed quality and standard guidance teachers. Private sectors created working networks for promoting guidance services, developed teachers, students and modern media and technology.

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How to Cite
Presertsuk, N., Kerdnaimongkol, U., & Kaewkaewpan, W. . (2020). THE STUDY OF GUIDELINE TO PROMOTE SCHOOL’S GUIDANCE OPERATION IN 21ST CENTURY: การศึกษาแนวทางส่งเสริมการดำเนินงานแนะแนวของสถานศึกษาในศตวรรษที่ 21. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(4), 226–239. retrieved from
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