ONLINE TEACHING FOR MUSIC PRACTICE SUBJECT BY APPLYING RICHARD ALLINGTON’S 6TS TECHNIQUE การเรียนการสอนออนไลน์วิชาปฏิบัติดนตรี โดยการประยุกต์ใช้ เทคนิค 6Ts ของ Richard Allington

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Vich Boonrod


With the application of 6Ts Techniques, this study aims to 1) develop online teaching method of Music Practice Subject and 2) evaluate the appropriateness of online teaching of Music Practice Subject. The participants of the study consist of 12 experts on Music Practice Subject teaching management. The participants are interviewed in order to earn the information for synthesis and teaching method development. The research tools are all online, including the interview form and the evaluation of online teaching of Music Practice Subject through 6Ts techniques. Data are analyzed by using mean and standard deviation. The results of the study reveal as follows;
1. The 6Ts techniques that are applied in the study consist of T1: short period teaching; T2: use of online media contents; T3: integration of technology for the benefits of learning; T4: icebreaking through conversations, encouragement for practices, and online communication; T5: assignment of the lessons that were taught focusing on self-study and self-practice, which students can report online; and T6: students’ opportunity to evaluate their works and encouragement of showing created works to public.
2. The result of the appropriateness evaluation of Online Teaching for Music Practice Subject with 6Ts techniques is found in the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.23, S.D. = 0.35) In addition, there is a suggestion from the interview that Online Teaching for Music Practice Subject by Applying Richard Allington’s 6Ts Technique should be individualized instruction, because it is more effective than group learning.

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How to Cite
Boonrod, V. (2020). ONLINE TEACHING FOR MUSIC PRACTICE SUBJECT BY APPLYING RICHARD ALLINGTON’S 6TS TECHNIQUE: การเรียนการสอนออนไลน์วิชาปฏิบัติดนตรี โดยการประยุกต์ใช้ เทคนิค 6Ts ของ Richard Allington. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(1), 283–296. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Vich Boonrod, Naresuan University

Dr.Vich Boonrod

Department of Music

Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University

Muang District, Phitsanulok Province 65000 THAILAND

Telephone: (+66) 55962121 , 0804191335

E-mail :




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