ASSESSMENT FOR TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING PROCESS OF TEACHERS IN TEACHERS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: AN APPLICATION OF USING LATENT CLASS ANALYSIS การประเมินกระบวนการเรียนรู้เพื่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงของครูในโครงการ ครูเพื่อพัฒนาท้องถิ่น: การประยุกต์ใช้การวิเคราะห์กลุ่มแฝง

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Nattakan Prachanban
Pakorn Prachanban


The purposes of this research was to analyze levels and latent class according to transformative learning process of Teachers for Local Development Project. The sample were 691 teachers in TLD project. Data were collected by a 5-point rating scale about transformative learning process. It had content validity, construct validity, discrimination, and reliability. The data were then analyzed by latent class analysis. The research findings were as followed:
1. The teachers had levels of transformative learning process for the overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that 1) assessment of conceptual differences in mind (M = 4.255, SD = 0.476), 2) knowledge sharing for creating new alternatives and learning (M = 4.203, SD = 0.485), 3) planning of preparing for creating new roles (M = 4.087, SD = 0.522), and 4) creating and integrating competencies with knowledge and experience by new perspective (M = 3.847, SD = 0.439). It also had coefficient of variation between 11.192 - 12.782.
2. The analysis of latent class according to transformative learning process of teachers in TLD project. The results revealed that latent class could be divided into 4 groups as follow: 1) the realizing for transformation (M = 3.089-3.346, SD = 0.044-0.057), 2) the deciding for transformation (M = 3.659-3.922, SD = 0.026-0.069), 3) the acceptance for transformation (M = 3.842-4.339, SD = 0.042-0.075), and 4) the behavior for transformation (M = 4.254-4.739, SD = 0.023-0.040).

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How to Cite
Prachanban, N., & Prachanban, P. . (2020). ASSESSMENT FOR TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING PROCESS OF TEACHERS IN TEACHERS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: AN APPLICATION OF USING LATENT CLASS ANALYSIS: การประเมินกระบวนการเรียนรู้เพื่อการเปลี่ยนแปลงของครูในโครงการ ครูเพื่อพัฒนาท้องถิ่น: การประยุกต์ใช้การวิเคราะห์กลุ่มแฝง. Journal of Education and Innovation, 23(1), 142–155. retrieved from
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