A MULTILEVEL STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING OF FACTORS OF SCHOOL AND PERSONAL S’ LEVEL ON ELEMENTARY TEACHERS’ INNOVATIVE BEHAVIOR, THE OFFICE OF BASIC EDUCATION COMMISSION แบบจำลองความสัมพันธ์พหุระดับปัจจัยระดับโรงเรียนและระดับบุคคลที่มีอิทธิพลต่อพฤติกรรมนวัตกรรมของครูประถมศึกษาสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการศึกษาขั้นพื้นฐาน
Main Article Content
The objectives of this research were to study 1) the personal level, open-mindedness, originality and education innovative attitude influenced to elementary innovative behavior in the office of basic education commission and 2) the school level, innovative leadership, education innovative climate and education innovative organization influence to elementary innovative behavior in the office of basic education commission. The testing result from the multilevel structural modeling fitted with empirical data (2=92.02, df=63, CFI=0.98, TLI=0.96, RMSEA=0.04) and the research found that 1) The personal level, open-mindedness, originality and education innovative attitude had significantly direct effect on elementary innovative behavior and three factors can predict elementary innovative behavior at 56 percent. The education innovative climate had significantly direct and indirect effect by and education innovative attitude on teachers’ innovative behavior. 2) The school level, innovative leadership had direct and indirect effect by and education innovative attitude on teachers’ innovative behavior and it can predict elementary innovative behavior at 34 percent.
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