MOBILE APPLICATION FOR LEARNING ON THE TOPIC OF BUDDHIST ETIQUETTE FOR MATHAYOMSUKSA 2nd STUDENTS แอปพลิเคชันบนอุปกรณ์พกพาเพื่อการเรียนรู้ เรื่องมารยาทชาวพุทธ สำหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 2
Main Article Content
This research aims to 1) develop the mobile application for learning on the topic of Buddhist etiquette 2) compare learning outcomes pretest and posttest, and 3) examine the degree of student satisfaction by using the proposed mobile application for improving Buddhist etiquette learning area of social studies, religion and culture for Mathayomsuksa 2 students. The sampling groups includes Mathayomsuksa 2 students at Thanyaburi School using cluster random sampling (1 class of 46 students). The research instrument used consists of a proposed mobile application, academic achievement tests, and satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used in the analysis are percentage, average, standard deviation and t-test values. The results indicate that 1) quality assessments examined by the identified content experts and multimedia applications experts, the average score was at a high level ( = 4.37, SD = 0.22) and the multimedia application was at a high level (
= 4.08, SD = 0.31). 2) The learning outcomes based on the average score of the posttest was higher that pretest significantly at the level of .05. 3) The satisfaction level of students from using the proposed application has overall average was at a high level (
= 4.54, SD = 0.57).
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