THE EFFECTS OF 7E LEARNING CYCLE WITH PROBLEM - BASED LEARNING ON SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM - SOLVING AND LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT IN THE TOPIC OF GENETIC TRANSMISSION FOR MATTAYOMSUKSA THREE STUDENTS ผลการจัดการเรียนรู้วัฏจักรการเรียนรู้ 7 ขั้น ร่วมกับการใช้ปัญหาเป็นฐานต่อการแก้ปัญหาเชิงวิทยาศาสตร์และผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียน เรื่อง การถ่ายทอดลักษณะทางพันธุกรรม ของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 3
Main Article Content
The purposes of this research were to study effects of 7E learning cycle with problem - based learning on scientific problem - solving and learning achievement in the topic of genetic transmission for Mattayomsuksa 3 students. The sample for this research consisted of 40 ninth grade students from a large sized secondary school in Chonburi. They were randomly selected for participating in the experiment using cluster random sampling method. The research instruments consisted of lesson plan, learning achievement test and scientific problem - solving test. Mean, standard deviation, and t - test were used to analyze the data. The results of the research indicated that: 1) the post-test mean scores of scientific problem - solving of Mattayomsuksa 3 students after using 7E learning cycle with problem - based learning were higher than pre - test mean scores and were higher than 70 percent criterion at the .05 level of statistically significance. 2) The post-test means scores of learning achievement of Mattayomsuksa 3 students after using 7E learning cycle with problem - based learning were higher than pre - test mean scores and significantly higher than 70 percent criterion at the .05 level.
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