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Pakorn Prachanban
Nattakan Prachanban


The purposes of research to develop indicators and evaluation criterion for identity of teacher students. The sample were 420 teacher students in Faculty of Education from all programs in 6 Universities from 6 regions of Thailand using multi-stage random sampling. Data were collected by measurement instrument for identity of teacher students. The data were then analyzed by content validity, discrimination, construct validity, reliability, and T-score. Measurement instrument for identity of teacher students had content validity of 6 dimensions as examined by experts (IOC = .60 - 1.00). the discrimination of 6 dimensions ranged between .275-.856 and reliability coefficients had .927, .942, .879, .927, .919 and .883 respectively. The research findings were as followed:
1. The components for identity of teacher students had 6 dimensions: 1) innovator skills consisted of 4 indicators, 2) digital skills consisted of 3 indicators, 3) English using skills consisted of 4 indicators, 4) entrepreneur skills consisted of 4 indicators, 5) self-directed learning skills consisted of 5 indicators, and 6) physical and mental well-being skills consisted of 4 indicators.
2. 6 dimensions of components had construct validity as shown by the model fit with the empirical data. It had evaluation criterion using cut-off point score of standard T score as follow: 1) innovator skills (T = 40, M = 2.947; T = 50, M = 3.544; T = 60, M = 4.145) 2) digital skills (T = 40, M = 3.361; T = 50, M = 3.941; T = 60, M = 4.522) 3) English using skills (T = 40, M = 1.300; T = 50, M = 2.242; T = 60, M = 3.190) 4) entrepreneur skills (T = 40, M = 3.301; T = 50, M = 3.842; T = 60, M = 4.383) 5) self-directed skills (T = 40, M = 3.161; T = 50, M = 3.717; T = 60, M = 4.275) and 6) physical and mental well-being skills (T = 40, M = 3.361; T = 50, M = 3.958; T = 60, M = 4.556)

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How to Cite
Prachanban, P., & Prachanban, N. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF INDICATORS AND EVALUATION CRITERION FOR IDENTITY OF TEACHER STUDENTS : การพัฒนาตัวบ่งชี้และเกณฑ์การประเมินอัตลักษณ์ของนิสิตครู. Journal of Education and Innovation, 24(2), 183–195. Retrieved from
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