INTEGRATING LEARNING MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY RESOURCES TO DEVELOP COMMERCIAL INNOVATION FOR OPPORTUNITY EXPANSION SCHOOL IN SI SAMRONG DISTRICT OF SUKHOTHAI PROVINCE การพัฒนาระบบการจัดการเรียนโดยบูรณาการแหล่งเรียนรู้ในชุมชนเพื่อการสร้างนวัตกรรมเชิงพาณิชย์ สำหรับโรงเรียนขยายโอกาส อำเภอศรีสำโรง จังหวัดสุโขทัย

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Supanee Sengsri
Thongchai Sengsri


The purposes of this research were; 1) to select the learning resources and knowledge in the community to create commercial innovation for opportunity expansion school in Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province and 2) to develop the integrating learning management and community resources for developing commercial innovation for the opportunity expansion school in Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province. The research was a mixed methods research and conducted by using Research and Development (R&D) and the concept of Participatory Action Research (PAR) with teachers as real practitioners. The research samples were; 1) experts, wisdom teachers and community leaders that related to the knowledge and learning resources in the community that selected by the community leaders in the total of 15 people in Sukhothai Province and 2) teachers and education personnel in junior high school of opportunity expansion school in Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province from all subjects in learning area subjects, each person has their own courses and each course can be managed by integrating learning resources in the community for commercial innovation in 7 schools. They were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were; 1) integrating learning management and community resources in developing the commercial innovation for opportunity expansion school in Si Samrong District of Sukhothai Province and 2) the interviewing form. The research result revealed as follows:
1. The learning resources and knowledge in the community resources in creating the commercial innovation for opportunity expansion school in Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province found 8 learning areas which consisted of 1) fine arts (handicraft), 2) skilled craftsmen, 3) home economics (food and medicine), 4) procedures, herbs, and medicine, 5) sufficiency economy and agriculture, 6) music, arts and culture, 7) product development, and 8) religious rituals. They were 170 wisdom experts and 75 knowledge and learning resources.
2. The integrating learning management and community resources to develop commercial innovation for opportunity expansion school in Si Samrong District, Sukhothai Province or Si-Samrong Model had the system component that was organized continuous relationship with 5 components which were 1) contextual analysis, 2) inputs, 3) social media and learning support technology, 4) the process of organizing learning activities by integrating learning resources in the community for commercial innovation, and 5) evaluation. The development process system had 6 steps as follows; 1) Objective analysis and subject area, 2) analysis of learning activities, 3) design of learning activities, 4) selection of learning media, 5) practice in classroom, and 6) evaluation of student's learning

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How to Cite
Sengsri, S., & Sengsri, T. . (2023). INTEGRATING LEARNING MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY RESOURCES TO DEVELOP COMMERCIAL INNOVATION FOR OPPORTUNITY EXPANSION SCHOOL IN SI SAMRONG DISTRICT OF SUKHOTHAI PROVINCE: การพัฒนาระบบการจัดการเรียนโดยบูรณาการแหล่งเรียนรู้ในชุมชนเพื่อการสร้างนวัตกรรมเชิงพาณิชย์ สำหรับโรงเรียนขยายโอกาส อำเภอศรีสำโรง จังหวัดสุโขทัย. Journal of Education and Innovation, 25(3), 309–319. retrieved from
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