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Sroungporn Kusolsong


This research and development aims to: 1) study general information and settings of educational institutions for early childhood education; 2) develop and implement a knowledge management method to enhance early childhood teachers’ capability in the digital age; and 3) to assess childhood teachers’ satisfaction toward the knowledge management method. The research procedure included 3 steps: 1) study general information and settings of educational institutions of early childhood; 2) develop and implement the knowledge management method, consisting of 2 phases (training and trying out the knowledge management method); and 3) assess early childhood teachers’ satisfaction toward the knowledge management method. The research instruments were interview, questionnaire, and evaluation forms on early childhood teachers’ capability and satisfaction. The research sample was 40 early childhood teachers. The statistical analysis was made using percentage. The results were as follows: 1. Early childhood teachers should have experiences in learning management through the use of technology for early childhood education under the new circumstance where learning is managed online. Teachers should employ technology to design learning through a variety of computer software. It was also discovered that there were 4 steps of learning management, consisting of the uses of: 1) Active Learning; 2) 21st Century Learning; 3) innovations in early childhood education; and 4) Professional Learning Community. 2. After receiving training on learning management method, early childhood teachers showed a high-level capability at 85.82, which was higher than the predefined criteria (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.29, SD = 0.62). 3. Early childhood teachers’ satisfaction toward the knowledge management method was at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.17, SD = 0.48).

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How to Cite
Kusolsong, S. (2024). DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT METHOD TO ENHANCE EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS’ CAPABILITYIN THE DIGITAL AGE. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 407–422. Retrieved from
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