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Piliarut Tama
Nuttiya Tantranont


The purpose of this research was to develop the personnel of the Regional Education Office No.15 to the operation skills standards. The action research methodology was employed. The key informants consisted of 7 experts, 1 administrator and 5 group directors, as well as 24 personnel from the Regional Education Office No.15. The tools used were 1) focus group discussion form and 2) personnel development evaluation forms, using the Kirkpatrick evaluation model of 4 aspects including satisfaction questionnaire, pre-test and post-test forms, personnel behavior questionnaire, and executive interview form. Content analysis methods were used for qualitative data. For quantitative data analysis, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used. A personnel development manual was developed to meet the required skill standards for the personnel of the Regional Education Office No.15. The findings of the study indicated that the personnel development manual should contain key components, including 1) the concept of personnel development, 2) training content and activity types, and 3) evaluation and follow-up of personnel development. In doing so, a professional development training was conducted to help them develop their information management skills. According to the findings, personnel were satisfied with their overall training at the highest level. The average score of the personnel post-test was higher than the pre-test. Their behavior in using information management skills was also improved. Additionally, after the professional development training, they could be able to apply the knowledge gained to work development more efficiently.

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How to Cite
Tama, P., & Tantranont, N. (2024). PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE OPERATION SKILLS STANDARDS OF THE REGIONAL EDUCATION OFFICE NO.15 . Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(1), 280–290. retrieved from
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