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Ethel Abao
Helen Boholano
Filomena Dayagbil
Jewish Merin


The preparation of fourth-year education students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the context of teaching and learning is greatly aided by student internship. This is the process where the pre-service teachers are exposed to a diverse range of competencies required for the real world of teaching. The purpose of this study is to learn more about how SHARE, a cutting-edge mentoring program specifically designed for aspiring teachers, has affected student teachers' experiences. In addition to exploration, the study looks deeper into the mentoring process itself, looking at how this ground-breaking approach encourages the growth of vital 21st-century abilities like teamwork, communication, and original problem-solving among trainee teachers. The study aims to provide important insights for boosting the efficiency of teacher preparation programs and ultimately elevating the standard of instruction in our classrooms through a thorough analysis of these experiences.

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How to Cite
Abao, E. ., Boholano, H. ., Dayagbil, F. ., & Merin, J. . (2024). SHARE: A MENTORING STRATEGY FOR PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(4), 1–8. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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